Sword of the Stars Ground Pounders Tarka Campaign-SKIDROW
Ground Pounders is a hex-based, turn-based strategy wargame. Inspired by classic strategy games like Panzer General, and steeped in the lore of the Sword of the Stars universe, Ground Pounders offers a new generation of gamers an updated taste of turn-based strategic warfare. Best of all, you can play it cross platform between desktop machine and mobile devices. Ground Pounders: Tarkan Campaign lets players control a third faction, the Tarka Imperial Army. Seen as an AI opponent in the base game, the Tark army is now comprised of dozens of different unit types. You will lead your ground pounders across a variety of worlds, increase their experience levels and abilities over the course of two campaigns, and use them to unlock special action cards that can add special effects to single-player games, or to up the stakes in your cross-platform multi-player battles.
- Control a third army from the Sword of the Stars universe – The Tarkan Imperial Army!
- Whole new campaign to play through, comprised of 19 battles!
- New units covering land, sea, and air!
- New battle cards!
- Enjoy a SotSdex filled with new Tarkan Lore details on famous units, personalities, battles and weapon systems
Genre: Strategy, Turn-Based
Publisher: Kerberos Productions Inc.
Developer: Kerberos Productions Inc.
Release Name: Sword.of.the.Stars.Ground.Pounders.Tarka.Campaign-SKIDROW
Size: 4.27 GB
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