22.1 GB
BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea Episode 2-RELOADED
A downloadable add-on adventure, Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea is a two-part story set in Rapture just before the city’s fall, and stars both Booker & Elizabeth from Bioshock: Infinite. Come back to Rapture in a story that finds Booker and Elizabeth on the eve of the underwater city’s fall from grace. Developed by Irrational Games, the developer of the original BioShock and BioShock Infinite, this DLC features Rapture as you’ve never seen it before — a shining jewel at the bottom of the ocean, built almost entirely from scratch in the BioShock Infinite engine. Gameplay has been modified to give the player an original BioShock combat experience that merges the best parts of BioShock and BioShock Infinite: new weapons, new Plasmids/Vigors, Tears, Sky-Lines, and Big Daddies. BioShock Infinite is a first person shooter where players assume the role of former Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt who is sent to the flying city of Columbia on a rescue mission to save Elizabeth, who has been imprisoned since childhood.
This release also includes all the updates (exe version is v1.1.23.631123) and following DLCs:
- Industrial Revolution Rewards Pack
- Clash in the Clouds
- Upgrade Pack
- Comstock’s Bird’s Eye Sniper Rifle
- Comstock’s China Broom Shotgun
- Burial at Sea – Episode 1
- Burial at Sea – Episode 2
You do not need any previous updates for this release, just the main game from FLT. If you have save games from FLTs release you may want to copy them from: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\FLT\Steam\8870 to: c:\ProgramData\Steam\RLD!\8870\
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Irrational Games
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release name: BioShock.Infinite.Burial.at.Sea.Episode.2-RELOADED
Size: 22.1 GB
Links: Steam | iGN | GameSpot |
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