The Next Car Game Pre-Alpha v0.173633 Digital Deluxe Edition Cracked-3DM
Next Car Game is a new demolition derby themed racing game with soft-body damage modeling, sophisticated driving dynamics and in-depth vehicle upgrading, featuring both demolition derbies and more traditional track races. It’s all about fun, breakneck racing and over-the-top crashes. Expect epic crashes and tight, neck-to-neck fights over the finish line on run-down racing tracks. Expect proper demolition derbies. Expect brand new ways for metal to bend and the signature once-in-the-lifetime moments that can be achieved only with true-to-life physics simulation.
- A playable Technology Sneak Peek 2.0. Have fun in the physics playground!
- Three cars, American Muscle, European Hatchback and American Sedan, each with unique handling traits.
- Four race tracks including Figure 8 and Sandpit featuring both normal and reverse layouts.
- Three different derby stadiums: large stadium, small stadium and a mudpit.
- Race and derby game modes with up to (!) 24 cars, all with dynamic damage.
- Soft-body car damage physics system that doesn’t need a super computer.
- Dynamic content that reacts realistically – fences and billboards break down, tires fly around.
- Different types of engines, transmission and other upgrade parts to test the effect of upgrades.
- In-game photo mode and replay.
Publisher: Bugbear
Developer: Bugbear
Genre: Action, Early Access, Indie, Racing, Simulation, Sports
Release name: The.Next.Car.Game.Pre-Alpha.v0.173633.Digital.Deluxe.Edition.Cracked-3DM
Size: 1.97 GB
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