We Are What We Are 2013 LIMITED BDRip X264-GECKOS
A seemingly wholesome and benevolent family, the Parkers have always kept to themselves, and for good reason. Behind closed doors, patriarch Frank rules his family with a rigorous fervor, determined to keep his ancestral customs intact at any cost. As a torrential rainstorm moves into the area, tragedy strikes and his daughters Iris and Rose are forced to assume responsibilities that extend beyond those of a typical family. As the unrelenting downpour continues to flood their small town, the local authorities begin to uncover clues that bring them closer to the secret that the Parkers have held closely for so many years.
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
IMDB Rating: 6.1/10 from 645 users Metascore: 69/100
Directed by: Jim Mickle
Starring: Bill Sage, Ambyr Childers, Julia Garner
Release Name: We.Are.What.We.Are.2013.LIMITED.BDRip.X264-GECKOS
Size: 461 MB
Video: MKV | 720×302
Audio: English | AAC | 160 kbps
Subtitles: N/A
Samples: Video @ #1, #2, #3
Links: iMDB | Trailer |
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