The Big Bang! | 2011 | Türkçe Dil Seçenekli | 720p | BluRay | x264 | 4 Alternatif Tek link indir izle
Adı: The Big Bang!
IMDb Puanı: 4.2/10 (6 oy ile)
IMDb Top250: -/250
Yönetmen: Danny Isaacs
Görüntü Yönetmeni: Oliver J. Defilippo
Ülke: USA
Tür: Short, Komedi
Süre: 16 dk.
Yapımcılar: Sonia Chernotsky
Oyuncular: Robert Hardin
The Big Bang! (2011) - IMDb
A first date is a pressure cooker of expectations. The heat is on when a neurotic 20-something reveals his insecurities with his first date, only to discover that she may be even more eccentric than him.
Özet: A first date is a pressure cooker of expectations. The heat is on when a neurotic 20-something reveals his insecurities with his first date, only to discover that she may be even more eccentric that him.
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